Bakersfield CA ServSafe® Food Handling Courses
Food Handler Certification Course
ALL food handlers (anyone "involved in the preparation, storage, or service of food in a food facility") working in California must be certified in the safe handling of food. (SB102) These certifications are good for three years, and employers must have documentation showing that every employee is certified.
California Safety Training Corporation (CSTC) is the leader when it comes to Food Safety.
-We’re accredited by the National Restaurant Association and State -of California Environmental Health
-We have trained thousands in safe food preparation guidelines.
-We are recognized by the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department as an authorized Food Handler training center
Food Handler Certification
- English and Spanish Courses
- Courses offered regularly at CSTC
- Onsite training at your location (10 trainees minimum)
- Only $35.00 per trainee
"Serving Safe Food" Certification Course - Hospitality
- One-day course that runs from 8:00 am through approximately 4:00 pm
- Course cost: $175.00 required at the time of registration
- A study guide booklet, practice test, & Foodborne illness sheet will be issued when you register
- Examinations are graded by the National Restaurant Foundation (results and scores are their responsibility)
- You can register at 2130 Brundage Lane, Bakersfield CA 93304. (questions? please call us at 661-377-8300)
ServSafe® "Serving Safe Food" Certification Course
- One-day course that runs from 8:00 am through approximately 5:00 pm
- Offered in English and Spanish
- Course cost: $175.00 required at the time of registration
- A study guide booklet, practice test, & Foodborne illness sheet will be issued when you register
- Examinations are graded by the National Restaurant Foundation (results and scores are their responsibility)
- You can register at 2130 Brundage Lane, Bakersfield CA 93304. (questions? please call us at 661-377-8300)
- Unless otherwise noted, all classes listed are on Mondays!
Please call for ServSafe® "Serving Safe Food" Certification Course Dates and Information
If you have already taken the class, but failed to pass the test, re-testing services are available. The cost for a re-test is $50 and arrangements can be made through our main office. The ServSafe examination begins at approximately 3:00 pm on the day of class, so if you have signed up to take the test only, you need to be in our office no later than 2:45pm the day of the test. Seating is limited, and you are strongly urged to sign up ahead-of-time.
Contact California Safety Training Corporation in Bakersfield CA today.