To Our Treasured Clients,


During this stressful times we are here for you!  Cal/OSHA and Federal OSHA are still in operation.  I have worked with clients in California and Texas this morning to assist in responding to complaints from employees at several businesses.  We remain committed to you and your employees.  Below is a list of pertinent information.

  1. Have an Infectious Disease Response Plan.  This plan should include social distances of 6 feet, work from home if possible, if an employee is  symptomatic stay home, everyone wash your hands frequently with soap and water.  Refer to our blog for a template
  2. Keep safety training.  The Covid-19 protocols did not release any employer from their responsibility to train their employees.  Regulations still require equipment training, hazard communication training, chemical and pesticide training.  Here at CSTC® we are training live on-line, computer based training,  live on site training with small groups honoring the social distancing protocols..  Many of our conversations with safety managers, operations managers and owners are taking place through Zoom live on-line meetings.  Telephone calls also work. 
  3. CSTC Office Operations.  CSTC® office doors are closed but we are available during normal business hours 8am to 5pm.  We are available!  We are staggering office staff hours to enable social distancing. Viewing our blogs on line will help all treasured clients keep up with changing information.
  4. Essential businesses are still operating.  CSTC® essential safety  to the essential businesses are here for you.


Have a great and safe day!  Ben3


Ben W. Laverty III,  PhD, CSP, FACFE, REPA

President/ CEO

California Safety Training Corporation

(O) 661-377-8300

(C ) 661-343-1378