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Blog Archives - 4 Record(s)

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Meet the Trainer - Ben Laverty IV

Posted by CSTC Staff
28 Feb 2019 09:00 AM

We have a lot of great trainers here at CSTC. We wanted to do some interviews so you could get to know them better.
Our second interview we thought was fitting to meet the Ben Laverty IV, son of the founder of CSTC Ben Laverty III.

Things to Consider when storing Fuels

Posted by CSTC Staff
21 Feb 2019 09:00 AM

You can’t get too far in your daily life without some sort of contact with a fuel operated vehicle, whether at home, or at work they are everywhere. While handling fuel at home requires care and safety for proper storage, dealing with fuel while at work not only requires safe procedures it also requires specific adherence to federal and state guidelines especially with regards to how it is being stored. 

Frequently asked questions about Hazardous Agricultural Materials Certificates 

Posted by CSTC Staff
14 Feb 2019 05:54 PM

HAZMAT PlacardThe purpose of this course is to allow operators to drive a vehicle which requires a Class C license while transporting placardable quantities of Hazardous Materials (HM) and Hazardous Waste (HW), without a HAZMAT endorsement. CSTC certifies that the following attendees have been trained and tested on the training requirements set forth in Title 49 CFR Part 172 which includes: General Awareness/Familiarization, Function Specific, Table of Hazardous Materials and Special Provisions, Shipping Papers, Marking, Labeling, Placarding, Emergency Response Information, Safety and Security Awareness Plans and Training.

Ben Laverty IV from CSTC talks about Wellness and the benefits for the employee and the employer

Posted by CSTC Staff
06 Feb 2019 09:00 AM

Ben Laverty IV talks about Wellness, and how that can help employees and employers, in regards to safety and productivity and efficiency in everything you do. Learn how CSTC is trying to focus on their employees wellness, and some of the less known benefits of wellness.